Style and Fashion

There are many terms we use for one thing, but none apply more often than the term “style.” Style is what’s in now and will probably be around for the foreseeable future. Style is permanent and usually only has a short time span.

Style and Fashion

Style can change rapidly with fads and newest trends come and go. People are constantly trying to one up each other and if they wear the same clothes then there is nothing wrong with that, they just happen to be wearing the same style. People try to make a fashion statement by sporting certain clothing or accessories. Style depends on where you are, for example, the fashionable areas of the United States are normally sates and the central west. Fashion varies from area to area and from culture to culture so what works in California may not work in Texas.

A trend is just a trend until it becomes “in” and then it becomes something to brag about. Then you have a fad or a style that people copy and you have a new fad or style. Most recently, I saw that some students wanted to dress like a certain celebrity and their parents were paying them to do it. In reality this is not always bad because it is the student’s idea of fashion, in fact sometimes these fashions are quite good.