Influences on Street Style
Street style is clothing that has been predominantly worn by youths in the inner cities, and has evolved not through the years, but rather, from the streets. Street style is typically associated with urban youth culture, which is usually seen in big urban centers, and is generally seen around the clock. Although it has evolved over time, it still has a distinct influence on fashion trends, as well as music and style.
The evolution of this style was triggered by the Civil Rights Movement and the end of formal white supremacy over the US. In response, blacks and other minorities began to dress more formally, and began to show their solidarity with one another by wearing distinctive and colorful clothes. It was at this point that the term “street style” was coined. It was also at this time that hip hop began to form a subculture around the particular styles and trends that were being developed and introduced by these individuals, such as jewelry, music, and even jeans.
From the standpoint of fashion trends, street style is now considered one of the most popular segments of the overall fashion scene. Even though the segment itself has grown significantly in size and popularity, it continues to remain true to its roots as an American creation. The segment has also grown to encompass many different nationalities, allowing for the appreciation of different clothing styles from around the world. With so many people wearing unique clothing and accessories, it is not surprising that it is continuing to influence the fashions of the masses. As more businesses use the Internet to advertise and reach out to their customers, the popularity of street style will likely continue to grow into the next generation of Americans.