A Look at the roots of Street Style

Street style is described as casual fashion which has emerged from the streets, not from high-fashion boutiques, or designer wear. Street style is generally associated more with the younger generation and is more commonly observed in large urban centers rather than small towns. It is often confused with street harassment, as street harassment is a form of decorative vandalism, whereas street fashion is more related to common everyday fashion. However, it should be noted that street harassment is not a form of fashion, and has nothing to do with fashion. Both are just acts of theatre performed by individuals who want attention.

Street style

The origins of street style can be traced back to the post-war period, when the GI’s started replacing European soldiers during the war. With the GI’s movement came a change in clothing styles and an increase in street harassment, as well as street gangs. From this period on, the influence of street styles spread throughout the entire United States and into the rest of the developed world, where it reached its pinnacle in the nineteen twenties. This was the decade when street harassment reached its highest levels, and fashion slowly integrated into the American fashion industry.

Today, street style is still very much a part of the mainstream fashion industry. This is perhaps because it has the ability to speak directly to the youthful masses that are currently the largest portion of the population. Young people tend to dress accordingly to their surroundings, which allows for an element of anonymity to be worn by those outside of the traditional social circles. The reason for the popularity of street style is simple: as long as a person keeps their dress stylish, they are guaranteed to attract attention and be subject to little or no criticism.